Central Academy Institutions, with over 4 decades of experience, has excelled in imparting quality education to students entrusted to its care. The educational group has a strong network of schools spread over 4 states with 68 branches. The fast-growing alumni fraternity of over 1,50,000 students bear testimony to Central Academy’s growing popularity, exemplary curriculum structure, a wide range of co-curricular activities and exceptional faculty. Parenting a child has many challenges in today’s world of competition which calls for a high calibre with finer talents. To help parents in these earnest attempts, the Management of Central Academy has always believed that it is very important to lay a strong base and foundation for your child.
As Chairman and founding Member of Central Academy Educational Society, I am delighted to welcome you to the web site of this dynamic institution. We have always placed a great emphasis on the quality of teaching and learning along with the use of highly innovative teaching and delivery methods. While academic progress is clearly the main purpose of the school, we also encourage all our pupils to develop a wide range of additional interests, so that we provide a very rounded and complete education.
It gives me immense pleasure that Central Academy Organization has added one more feather in its cap by taking over beautiful school building at Sarai Inayat, Prayagraj. It is a proud moment for Management & Staff Members of Central Academy Organization. School is affiliated to CBSE, Delhi.
I am very much pleased to welcome you all through the website of Central Academy, Sarai Inayat, Prayagraj. Central Academy has been imparting quality education to the students at a very reasonable fee structure since its inception.
Eco-friendly atmosphere of the school will surely attract the students mind
towards studies.
Guided by the epochal vision of our Chairman Dr. Sangam Mishra and under the progressive patronage of our Director Mr. Suresh Kumar Tiwari, Central Academy Sarai Inayat has become a launchpad for innovative ideas and an 'avant grade' enterprise where education is concerned.
It is our mission to ensure the physical, social and spiritual development of each child. This will be achieved by nurturing logical, scientific temperament, ability to explore, research and innovation.
The unique blend of values and tradition with the technology and most advanced pedagogy strengthens the foundation of learning and growing. In the true spirit of "Vidya Dadati Vinayam", all our children will grow illustriously with a loving and humble heart that feels and cares for the whole world.
Central Academy Institutions, with over 4 decades of experience, has excelled in imparting quality education to students entrusted to its care. The educational group has a strong network of schools spreads over 4 states with 68 branches. The fast-growing alumni fraternity of over 1,50,000 students bears testimony to Central Academy’s growing popularity, exemplary curriculum structure, a wide range of co-curricular activities and exceptional faculty. Pioneers in quality education in the country, Central Academy Institutions made their humble beginnings in Rajasthan. The chain continued to grow and nurture its students by imparting traditional Indian values and progressive global ideas.
Our smart classes are supported by lots of visual aids and interactive mediums to engage children and hold their interest.
The school is equipped with a state-of-the-art Computer Lab comprising computers with latest configuration and with broadband connectivity.
At Central Academy, we have given special attention to our infrastructure. Our laboratories are equipped with the latest and most advanced facilities.
Designed to stimulate creative thinking and ingenuity, our laboratoies like the Physics Lab which is well equiped with latest technologies.
Parenting a child has many challenges in today's world of competition which calls for high calibre with finer talents. To help the parents in this earnest attempt, the Management of Central Academy has always believed that it is very important to lay a strong base and foundation in a child's formative years so that his or her career and future is secured. Our School promotes academic excellence among the students, thus bringing it at par with the best schools in the country.
Central Academy believes that the freedom of spirit and zeal for the discovery are as important as the need for discipline and a sense of duty. We aim to develop both the mind and the body of a child and strongly emphasize upon the need for an all-round development of the student's personality.